Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Artist Spotlight - Jung Kwang

"I never hurt anyone by my actions. I am a Buddhist mop. A mop is something that gets dirty itself but makes everything it touches clean."

Jung Kwang is a Korean Buddhist monk who practices what he calls "unlimited action." Unlike the traditional monk, he gambles, has sex, swears, goes where he pleases, etc. and does so without any sense of remorse or guilt. Literally having "no limits." Jung Kwang in no way encourages others to do the same, but says that in doing so he serves true Buddhism to remind others of their own habits and patterns.

He applies "unlimited action" to art as well, being described as in a sort of drunken trance, before suddenly descending upon the paper in a whirlwind of focus.

"Look at that line. It is the line of enlightenment. There is only one line like that in the universe, and it will never be made again. You cannot think to make such a line and succeed; it must come from having no limits to your action of painting the line."

I only happened to find out about Jung Kwang when I picked up a small, grey unmarked book "The Mad Monk" in the library (ND 2073.6 .Z8 J862). I'm very fond of his word puzzles. His intention to create a dialogue of actions was something I understood very well. It wasn't "good" versus "bad," just action and reaction. And if he stumps you, then you have something more to think about. If you answer back, then he smiles and starts again. He lives as he paints as he practices. If only we could all be so lucky.

"But Jung-Kwang, I'm only half-done."
"Which half? Quick, show me."

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to find this little blogget about Kwang. I have had his book, The Dirty Mop, for years and am always trying to share his idea od unlimited action with others who never quite get it.
    Thank you
