Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kinnaree - WiP 2

A new year is ushered in and all I get is stress. Yay adulthood!

I kid, really, but mostly I've been surprised by how little time I have to myself now. Most of the day goes towards work and with that means less time for art. Any time I do have for art I genuinely have to fight for. And I do not lose fights, thank you very much.

Last year I was working on a kinnaree painting but eventually hit a dead end with it. Recently though I picked it back up to rework the idea. Now this is the first panel of a triptych, the composition of which will be borrowing heavily from this Hiroshige print. I'm still working out their anatomy since I have to maintain a balance of realistic bird-legs while keeping them graceful and dignified. Looking at them and thinking "fat duck" kind of defeats the purpose.

I haven't really set a deadline for this, but rather I was hoping the triptych layout would force me to work on landscapes and objects more than the figure. We'll see how well that turns out.

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