Sunday, March 22, 2009

Artist Spotlight - Felice Varini

If you ever needed an artist to mess with your sense of perspective, it's Felice Varini. He's a Swiss artist who works in painting large-scale environments to be seen from a single point. The above photo is in no way digitally manipulated. Here's the same work from a different angle:

As usual, the whole "But is it art?" debate crops up among critics and scholars. I'll keep my thoughts on that long-running issue to another post, but in Varini's particular case, I'd say the he's putting a twist or even reversal of the traditional trompe-l'œil. Instead of 3D illusion on a 2D plane, it's a 2D illusion on a 3D environment. Especially in this time of computers and digital art, when his work is viewed on the internet, the initial reaction is usually a disbelieving "Why is that photoshopped on there?"

For more his website is here (in French.) After you select a work, click on "hors point de vue" for other points of view.

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