Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mucho Mucha (with a dash of Da Vinci and Bernini)

An art dump of some practice work from this month. Haven't had much time to do original stuff, so I end up copying out of my books and whatnot. Art history knowledge has its perks.

Also made me realize my gummy eraser is so used up it's more of a smudging device now. Time to buy a new one.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My birthday was last week, the day before Thanksgiving. Since it always falls on the same week as Thanksgiving, my friends are usually out of town or with their families so I spend it with my sister. Dinner and drinks.

No parties, no presents. And lately, since I've started working in a bakery, no cake because I've gotten sick of it.

But something different did happen this year. I happened to be working and word got around about my birthday. Or rather, one very loud friend of my mother decided to run down the entire bakery and deli to announce it.

Later, one of the managers brought me this cactus.

And then the bistro area broke out into song.

After I got over the initial shock, I smiled and decided it was a good year.